• 34 Hutton Street Dandenong VIC 3175

What’s New In February

  • January 16, 2020

A word from Kosta

Well done to everyone on a very successful month of February. The weather was booming to finish off summer. We will be announcing some amazing results from our 8 week transformation challenge in our next addition.

This month let’s focus on reviewing your fitness goals and setting yourself small challenges before the Easter season arrives.

I look forward to seeing you all at the starting line at the upcoming Run for the Kids event this weekend. New class training sessions (Wed and Thurs 7pm-7.45pm) will be announced shortly.

Client feedback survey

As you are working on your fitness goals, we are working on making your training experience the best it can be. To make sure we get it right, we would love to get your feedback.

Please click here to take part in a short 5 minute survey. Your feedback is extremely important and you can stay anonymous if you wish.

News, tips and more

Goodbye summer

When we say goodbye to February we are also saying goodbye to summer. This summer we had some great weather which made training so much fun. With Autumn fast approaching we need to start thinking about our wellbeing to make sure that over the colder months our bodies and minds are able to operate to their full potential. Each time the seasons change so does our bodies requirements. Here are a few tips on what you should be doing this month. Click here to read in more detail.

  • Start Taking Vitamin D Supplements
  • Get Your Body Ready For Daylight Savings
  • Bring A Jacket/Scarf When You Leave The House
  • Eat Your Autumn Colours
  • Get Plenty Of Rest On Your Days Off

Optimising Breath and breathing patterns

written by Michael Ztaing

The importance of breath work and breathing is detrimental to the way we live our lives on a daily basis. Whether we’re walking, sitting down or have a hard training session at the gym, we need to be able to control our breath and breathing patterns.

3 key benefits:

Anxiety/stress – When we become anxious, our chest becomes uncomfortably heavy, we automatically forget how to breathe and lose control our breath.The key is to breathe deep and slow from the nose, inhaling by pushing out our stomach filling it up with air and then exhaling, releasing the air out by deflating the stomach continuously. Using this method we are able to regain the ability to be calm, reduce stress and go back to a normal state of mind.

Training – Using correct breathing patterns for any exercise can enhance your cardio and strength insanely. Dependent on the type of training you’re doing we need to make sure we exhale when we generate force and inhale when releasing tension ie. throwing a punch, kick, running or pushing weight.

Sleep – Priming ourselves before we sleep is absolutely necessary in order to get a good nights rest.When asleep our breathing becomes autonomous and we no longer have conscious control. The breathing pattern method is exactly the same with dealing with anxiety and stress but laying down in bed. By doing this we prime our body getting it ready to transition from one activity to another, mimicking the same autonomous state of breathing when sleeping.

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